72425 Via Vail
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270

Board of Directors

Agendas and Minutes

2021 Monthly Agendas

January 2021

February 2021

March 2021

April 2021

May 2021

June 2021

July 2021

August 2021 – no meeting

September 2021

October 2021

November 2021

December 2021












Board Descriptions, Policies, Procedures and Goals

FY 2024 – 2025 Roles, Liaisons and Goals

Adopted on September 17, 2017

The Board acts as a collective chief executive, sharing leadership with the minister. It determines what should be done, allocates responsibilities for getting it done, and monitors the process; its role is not to do things directly but to delegate.

The Board needs to keep a close eye
on facilities, finances, policies, and governance structure. It needs to make sure the committees and other groups are working well, and it needs to make sure decisions are made and implemented in a timely fashion.


FY 2024 – 2025 Board Liaison Responsibilities

FY 2024 – 2026 Strategic Goals

FY 2024 – 2025 Short Term Goals  


Board of Directors

Approved Initiatives

Sacred Grounds Initiative

Approved July 18, 2023

Sacred Grounds Proposal

Online Directory

Approved July 18, 2023

Online Directory Proposal




Fifth Amendment: Approved April 2023.

The purpose of the UUCOD is to organize as a religious community, to assist and support one another in each person’s spiritual journey, to gain strength from the community in working together to realize goals and fulfill principles, dedicated to these beliefs:

  • The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
  • Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
  • Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in
    our congregations;
  • A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
  • The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;
  • The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;
  • Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

Click to view UUCOD-Bylaws


UUCOD Congregational Covenant

Approved by the Congregation in 2016

“We need not think alike to love alike.” One of our Unitarian Universalist ancestors, Francis David, spoke those words more than 400 years ago to describe the foundation of our unity as a religious community. This covenant represents the promises we make to ourselves about how we will nurture and support each other within this beloved community.

These promises cultivate an environment of compassion, courage, and empathy. To this end, we, the people of the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Desert, adopt the following Congregational Covenant.


Policies and Procedures Documents

animal policy

Adopted Jun 18, 2108

Unitarian Universalist Church of the Desert (UUCOD) endeavors to be welcoming and accommodating to all persons. The following guidelines indicate what is expected of a person bringing a service dog into the church, and what is expected of members of the congregation in helping to make the experience positive for everyone involved.


building use and rental policy

Approved on March 19, 2019 and revised on January 21, 2020

Church facilities are available for use by UUCOD Members or Friends of the Church (those who regularly and currently pledge to the Church), their family members, non-profit organizations, and other members of the community based on a schedule of fees.


child and youth safety policy

Adopted November 20, 2018

At UUCOD, we strive to live the seven principles of Unitarian Universalism, including respect for others, and supporting one another’s learning and spiritual development. This document describes how children and adults in Religious Education classes and at RE events are expected to behave in ways that are consistent with these principles.


church directory use policy

Adopted February 17, 2015

The Membership Directory is the property of the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Desert and is provided to Members and friends of the Congregation for their personal use only.


church property

Adopted August 13, 2013

Policy regarding the disposal of UUCOD personal property



 Adopted September 19, 2017

UUCOD relies on its members and friends to create a supportive, nurturing, and inclusive community that is welcoming to all. Volunteers are essential, and they volunteer for a variety of reasons. They enjoy being with others. They value the community service being performed. They find spiritual meaning within the community and its activities. They know that groups can be more effective than individuals. All volunteers should be encouraged to find their niche at UUCOD within various committees and activities. Committee chairs’ leadership thus makes real their commitment to enriching the life of UUCOD.


communications policy

 Adopted December 21, 2021

This policy is intended to help facilitate communication within the church. It sets forth the principles the church will follow when communicating with its members, friends, visitors, and the public. It defines:

  • UUCOD’s current communications methods
  • the guiding purposes of church communications
  • sound communication practices
  • responsibilities and authorities for the content and distribution of communications.

It also establishes data security as an important church goal.


copyright materials use policy

 Adopted February 16, 2021

It is the policy of UUCOD not to use others’ work without appropriate permissions unless the material is covered by fair use, is in the public domain, or standing or pre-authorized permission exists, including any duly acquired license. This policy and related procedures are based on guidance provided by the Unitarian Universalist Association on these matters.


Covid Protocols

Revised: November 1, 2023

Since the beginning of the Covid pandemic, at UUCOD our guiding principle has been to keep our community safe and well by following common sense risk reduction guidelines. Since March 2020 we have incorporated various stages of virtual, hybrid and in-person policies for worship and gathering ensuring our policies were aligned with civic health care professionals and best practices.

We are grateful for all who have worked so hard to protect our most vulnerable by following the guidelines and policies crafted by our Minister and our Board of Directors. We appreciate this community’s effort to model the best pandemic behavior as an act of love for one another and our community.

Based on the low levels of Covid-19 in our area, we have updated our Covid Protocols as follows:

  • We no longer require proof of vaccination or the wearing of a mask in the sanctuary.
  • If you are sick, or think you may be getting sick, please stay home and participate via live streaming of our Sunday service.
  • Masking and social distancing are optional.
  • Eating and drinking at Church events are OK.
  • Please respect the choice of those who continue to mask and practice social distancing.
  • To care for our collective well-being, we strongly recommend that anyone who is eligible to be vaccinated do so, especially before participating in indoor activities.

Decor and Art Policy and Procedure

Adopted March 17, 2021

The Unitarian Universalist Church of the Desert  establishes this Policy and Procedure to clarify the procedure for the acquisition, management and disposal of
aesthetic furnishings, décor and art.


grants and multi-year funding policy

 Adopted September 19, 2017

From time to time, UUCOD may apply for grants or foundational assistance to assist it in its works. Sometimes these grants applied for require a matching component of “new” or other monies. There are other times when UUCOD commits itself to multi-year funding obligations for discreet projects. For these reasons it is essential that UUCOD systematize its procedures dealing with the application for grant or foundational assistance and for multi-year program funding obligations.


financial procedures policy

Adopted March 19, 2019 

This policy is intended to document various processes, systems and controls related
to financial management of the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Desert.  This procedures policy does not cover endowment funds and the Minister’s Discretionary Fund, each of which is covered in a separate UUCOD policy.


general endowment fund policy statement

Adopted October 16, 2018

These policies set forth the General Endowment Fund administrative structure and investment management policy as developed by the UUCOD Endowment Committee, approved by the UUCOD
Finance Committee, and adopted by the UUCOD Board of Directors. They also establish guidelines and parameters for achieving those objectives. The objectives, guidelines and parameters are not
intended to be a blueprint for day-to-day investment management operations but are designed to focus on the investment strategy for these assets. This investment strategy reflects the long-term nature of the General Endowment Fund and the resulting need for its protection and growth.

The purpose of the General Endowment Fund is to augment the future financial base of the church.


gift acceptance and disposition policy

 Adopted January 14, 2014

This statement articulates the policies of the Board of Directors of UUCOD concerning the acceptance of charitable gifts and provides guidance to
prospective donors and their advisors when making gifts to the UUCOD.


maclean endowment fund

Adpoted January 14, 2014

The purpose of these policies is to provide the framework for the administration and
investment management of the restricted, long-term held assets of the Unitarian
Universalist Church of the Desert Endowment Fund.

This policy sets for the UUCOD Endowment Fund administrative structure and investment management policy as developed by the UUCOD Endowment Committee, approved by the UUCOD Finance Committee, and adopted by the UUCOD Board of Directors. It also establishes guidelines and parameters for achieving those objectives. The objectives, guidelines and parameters are not intended to be a blueprint for day-to-day investment
management operations, but are designed to focus on the investment strategy for these assets. This investment strategy reflects the long-term nature of the UUCOD Endowment Fund and the resulting need for its protection and growth.


minister's discretionary fund policy

Adopted October 16, 2018

The Minister is sometimes made aware of situations where individuals or families in the congregation are in need of financial assistance. It is the intent of the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Desert to provide a Minister’s Discretionary Fund so that the Minister may use the funds to confidentially respond such needs at the Minister’s discretion.  This policy establishes guidelines for expenditure and reporting of the Minister’s Discretionary
Fund monies.


naming policy

Adopted January 14, 2014 

Naming opportunities exist to recognize the dedication, accomplishment or generosity of extraordinary individuals and entities whose support is valuable to the mission of the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Desert. This policy will guide the church Board of Directors, church minister, and others, in establishing consistent definitions, minimum standards, and general procedures to both donors and church personnel with regards to discussing the naming opportunities of all
facilities of UUCOD.


patio policy

 Adopted March 17, 2015

The purpose of having information tables on the patio is to provide opportunities for members and friends of the congregation, and their children, to engage with each other in programs and activities of the church. The tables vary throughout the year reflecting seasonal changes and include administrative efforts, fund raising events, information about community non-profits with which we have ongoing involvement, etc.  The tables are hosted by various standing and ad hoc committees, or other church members as approved by the Minister or the Board President.


Records Retention policy

Adopted December 21, 2021

It is the policy of the Church to preserve church documents to create a historical record for legal and governance purposes. To that end, the Church will ensure access to documents, use appropriate security measures, and abide by sound document retention practices.  Efficient and effective retention is an important church goal and activity.


right relations policy

Adopted May 18, 2021

Right relationship is both an ethic and a practice. Right relationship as an ethic refers to our affirmation of the principles of interconnectedness and interdependence. Right relationship as an aspirational practice is manifest in our history and heritage as a covenantal people.

As the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Desert (UUCOD) strives to move toward Widening the Circle to embrace diversity, strengthening a culture of right relations is essential.

The Unitarian Universalist Church of the Desert strives to be an inclusive community, affirming our differences in beliefs, opinions, and life experiences. We strive to create a brave space where those who attend can bring their whole selves, fully and safely.


right relations procedure

Updated January 2023 

We encourage those who view or use these guidelines to adhere to the spirit of the policy—that of open heart, welcomed diversity, and thoughtful engagement—rather than to become focused on particular wording or steps. No two situations are identical and good judgment and wisdom will be necessary to restore right relations between individuals or within groups.

These guidelines are intended to help congregants reenter right relations with other members of our community through a reconciliation process. The steps in the process may be repetitive, and some steps may need to be revisited. This is not a failure, but rather a sincere effort to rebuild right relations within our congregation.

2023.01.03 RR Procedures (updated)