72425 Via Vail
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270

Sunday Worship Videos

We are continually adding videos to YouTube and Vimeo. View them here any time.

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    February 9, 2025: Go Out into the Highways and Byways: Sharing our Universalist Faith

    Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
    Service Leader: Walter Gendell

    Before the internet, before radio, before television, our religious ancestors spread their faith and their vision in many ways, including “riding the circuit” and sharing the good news of universal salvation in every pulpit they could get to. Let’s learn a little about these intrepid and passionate forbears.

    February 2, 2025: Sharing is Caring, Generosity and the Beloved Community

    Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
    Worship Associate: Joni Padduck

    Our community grows in spirit and in possibility when we all share our gifts and our love. How can we share our richness of heart and spirit and talent with each other and make a difference in our world.

    January 26, 2025: Loving our Home, the Earth

    Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
    Worship Associate: Mel Wilkinson

    We are asked to love our country, but what does it look like to really ground our relationship with the lands and environment we habit in an ethic of love?

    January 19, 2025: Loving the Stranger

    Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
    Worship Associate: Steven Toporoff

    What does it mean for us to have love or lovingkindness for people we don’t know—or don’t care for—or who don’t see us as worthy of love in return? How do we practice love in the face of cruelty and hate?

    January 12, 2025: California's Promise

    Guest Speaker: Megan Beaman Jacinto
    Service Leader: Bryna Blum

    We will discuss the protections that exist for immigrants in California despite the harms and threats in other parts of the country; the intersection and interplay between federal, state, and local efforts; and why these protections are good for all of us.

    January 5, 2025: Loving Our Neighbor as Ourselves

    Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
    Worship Associate: Ginger Hemingway

    So many of the world’s religious traditions put love at the center of all of our relationships. Join us as we explore our grounding in love as we begin a month focused on the practice of love in our lives.

    December 29, 2024: Rise Up, O Flame: Preparing for the New Year

    Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
    Worship Associate: Walter Gendell

    At the end of one year and the beginning of the next, we look back and wonder what we can let go from the year gone by and what we can carry forward into the months to come. Join us as we let the past burn away and call on love to guide the future.

    December 24, 2024 at 5:00pm: Hope in the Darkness: Christmas Eve Vespers

    Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
    Worship Associate: Julia Alberg-Burbank
    UUCOD Choir: Jim Tong, Director

    At the darkest time of the year, the stars and candles and songs of the ancient Christmas story bring us hope and possibility. Join us for our annual Christmas Eve Vespers at 5:00pm.

    December 22, 2024: The Solstice and Emergence

    Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
    Worship Associate: Mel Wilkinson

    The Winter Solstice brings us the longest night and the shortest day, a time when humans throughout history and cultures have pondered the balance of light and dark in their lives. Join us as we explore what might emerge in us and our world from this nurturing time of darkness.

    June 25, 2023 GA Assembly Worship Service

    Ever Willing: Becoming the People Our World Needs

    The pandemic has wrought change and created uncertainty for institutions, like our Unitarian Universalist congregations, and our wider world. Who and what are we becoming, individually and collectively? Our GA Sunday service explores these themes as we gather in community to celebrate the best of who we UUs are.

    Link to the UUA website to view the recorded service.

    July 2, 2023: We The People

    Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
    Worship Assistant: Joni Padduck

    As we celebrate our nation’s birthday, we take a look at the state of our democracy and wonder together how to stay true to our values while resisting hatred, fear, and prejudice.

    *Note:  Since there was no sound on the recording we are providing the text of the sermon in this document.

    We the People Sermon