72425 Via Vail
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270

Arlene Rosenthal

By Denise Janssen Eager

It is with a heavy heart I share that Well in the Desert’s guiding light, Arlene Rosenthal, passed away peacefully Tuesday evening. She was 79 years old.

UUCOD had a long lasting partnership with Arlene and Well in the Desert.

As Well in the Desert’s president, Arlene was a fearless, tireless, and big-hearted advocate keeping those who live unhoused front & center in Palm Springs’ eye.

Bread Not Stone: Interdependence

Bread Not Stone: Interdependence

Hello friends,

This month we begin our exploration of the values that unite and inspire us as Unitarian Universalists. A reminder that individuals and congregations across the Unitarian Universalist Association are exploring these values in preparation for deciding on adopting new language in our UUA bylaws that express our shared values and covenants with each other. We’ll be sharing conversation and reflection together, including in our Chalice Circles each month.

For October, we’ll be looking at Interdependence.

Sacred Grounds Update: August 2023

Wow, this has been a busy month. We’ve finalized the landscape design for the Desert Canyon Garden, defined the paths, got the plant material list ready to order and even got 25 tons of boulders delivered!  The Celebration Garden is taking shape too – the...

Bread Not Stone: How Can We Help?

Hello friends,

We see in the news so many stories about hardship and abuse of immigrants and refugees and those seeking asylum in our country. It’s often difficult to know how we can help.

A small group in our congregation has been meeting and having some conversations about ways in which we can help and have an impact on the situations of people in our valley and area.

And we want to explore ways our congregation and its members can help in more ways, especially with people experiencing struggles with our immigration and asylum systems.