72425 Via Vail
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270

Sunday Worship: “Memory and Respect”

Sunday Worship: “Memory and Respect”

Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
Worship Associate:  Julia Alberg-Burbank

This weekend we celebrate Memorial Day, honoring those people who have given their lives in the service of their country. How are we honoring their legacy? How are we taking care of those who still serve or have retired?

Sunday Worship: “Values and Vision”

Sunday Worship: “Values and Vision”

Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
Worship Associate: 
Claudia Simmons
All year we have been exploring the values laid out in proposed new language crafted to share what we UUs hold in common as we do the work of crafting the beloved community together. Join us as Rev. Ian sums up or year of exploration and as we look forward to doing our own work of visioning for this beloved community in the year to come.

Sunday Worship: “Blossoming Into Life: Flower Communion”

Sunday Worship: “Blossoming Into Life: Flower Communion”

Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
Worship Associate:  Julia Alberg-Burbank

The world offers us each beauty and possibility if we just look. Join us as we celebrate the beautiful diversity of the world in a return of our Flower Communion. Bring some flowers to share. Our annual congregational meeting follows this week’s service.