72425 Via Vail
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270

Stewardship Committee Meeting

This meeting has been moved from January 2 for the Holidays.  Meeting on Zoom. Anyone is welcome, just contact Jane Zaun to get the link.


UUCOD Community Visioning Conversations

Sanctuary and Zoom 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA

Join us as we being conversations about our congregation and its deepest values and its vision and mission for the future. We'll talk in large groups and small over the coming months--gathering all of our imaginings for our beloved community. We're hoping everyone will participate in one of these sessions. For more information, contact Rev. Ian.


UUCOD Community Visioning Conversations

Sanctuary and Zoom 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA

Join us as we being conversations about our congregation and its deepest values and its vision and mission for the future. We'll talk in large groups and small over the coming months--gathering all of our imaginings for our beloved community. We're hoping everyone will participate in one of these sessions. For more information, contact Rev. Ian.


Board of Directors Meeting

Community Room and Zoom

The Board of Directors carries on the buiness of the church every third Tuesday of the month.  Members, feel free to show up in person or online during the Voices […]


UUCOD Community Visioning Conversations

Sanctuary and Zoom 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA

Join us as we being conversations about our congregation and its deepest values and its vision and mission for the future. We'll talk in large groups and small over the coming months--gathering all of our imaginings for our beloved community. We're hoping everyone will participate in one of these sessions. For more information, contact Rev. Ian.


UUCOD Community Visioning Conversations

Sanctuary and Zoom 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA

Join us as we being conversations about our congregation and its deepest values and its vision and mission for the future. We'll talk in large groups and small over the coming months--gathering all of our imaginings for our beloved community. We're hoping everyone will participate in one of these sessions. For more information, contact Rev. Ian.


Board of Directors Meeting

Community Room and Zoom

The Board of Directors carries on the buiness of the church every third Tuesday of the month.  Members, feel free to show up in person or online during the Voices […]