72425 Via Vail
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270

Sunday Worship: “Go Out into the Highways and Byways: Sharing our Universalist Faith”

Sancturary and Livestream on our Website 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA

Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell Worship Associate: Walter Gendell Before the internet, before radio, before television, our religious ancestors spread their faith and their vision in many ways, including “riding the circuit” and sharing the good news of universal salvation in every pulpit they could get to. Let’s learn a little about these intrepid […]


UUCOD Community Visioning Conversations

Sanctuary and Zoom 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA

Join us as we being conversations about our congregation and its deepest values and its vision and mission for the future. We'll talk in large groups and small over the coming months--gathering all of our imaginings for our beloved community. We're hoping everyone will participate in one of these sessions. For more information, contact Rev. Ian.


Monday Meditation

Join us each Monday as for a group meditation and inspirational reading. Drop-ins are welcome.


80+Seniors Meet-Up (OFU)

Community Room 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

 If you are past your 80th birthday, come on over to the Community room the second Wednesday of the month for lively interactions. There we laugh & picnic as well occasionally share a tidbit of accumulated joy or wisdom. Mark your calendar. BYO picnic. No RSVP needed.


UUCOD Choir Practice:

Join us for choir practice on Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm-8:00pm. All are welcome...from beginning to advanced singing levels. We hope to see you there!


DOS Shabbat

Sanctuary 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Shabbat begins at 7:00pm

Sunday Worship: “All Creatures Great and Small: Blessing the Animals”

Sancturary and Livestream on our Website 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA

Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
Worship Associate: Joni Padduck
For so many of us, the non-human animals in our lives bring companionship, love, trust, and healing. Join us on this special Sunday as we gather outside on our patio for a service of gratitude, celebration, and blessing of our animal companions. All well-behaved pets are welcome on a leash or in a crate. If you can’t bring your critter, bring a picture. Keep your eye on the weekly newsletter for more information.

Leadership Meeting

Community Room 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Monday Meditation

Join us each Monday as for a group meditation and inspirational reading. Drop-ins are welcome.

Board of Directors Meeting

Community Room and Zoom

The Board of Directors carries on the buiness of the church every third Tuesday of the month.  Members, feel free to show up in person or online during the Voices of the Congregation portion of the meeting to ask your questions or tell us your thoughts! Agendas and approved minutes from prior meetings are available […]


Healthy Aging Group

Community Room 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Discover new ways to increase energy, reduce chronic pain, achieve health goals,and stay out of the hospital. Class and discussion the 3rd Wednesday of the month.


UUCOD Choir Practice:

Join us for choir practice on Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm-8:00pm. All are welcome...from beginning to advanced singing levels. We hope to see you there!


Drop-In Scrabble

Community Room 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Interested in joining other UUCOD members in a friendly game or two of scrabble?  ALL ARE WELCOME-FROM NOVICE TO EXPERT!  We will meet the first and third Thursday of the month at 11:00am. Please contact Carol Lavoie for more information.