72425 Via Vail
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270

Growing Connections To Our CommUnity: Support Our Social Justice Committee Activities

At the heart of Unitarian Universalist beliefs is the recognition that we do not all start from the same place. We believe that we must acknowledge this and do our part to help adjust these inherent imbalances. We strive to achieve fairness and justice in all our endeavors and our Social Justice Committee develops and leads many programs and activities with this in mind.

The “Share the Plate” Sundays are a perfect example of how we learn about local programs that work with those in need. We share our treasures with them so we can work toward righting imbalances and provide justice and fairness in the world. Please donate generously. We encourage Members and Friends to search for deserving programs to add to next year‘s list of Share the Plate recipients and consider getting involved with them beyond the Sunday service. Also, consider giving generously of your time and talent as well as your treasures. Perhaps your talents fit the Social Justice Committee?

Consider actively participating in the other Social Justice Committee guided activities. In addition to the Pride Parade, we have marched against gun violence and for women’s rights, written letters to get out the vote, supported safe schools for LGBTQ+ students, campaigned for ecological justice, and petitioned for support from our U.S. Representative Dr. Raul Ruiz. In addition, we provide holiday food boxes and gifts for migrant families and children throughout the Coachella Valley.

Getting involved on a personal level, such as packing food boxes, delivering our Sunday donations to the various organizations, handing out holiday turkeys and food to lines of cars with deserving families, brings great joy to those involved. Working alongside other Members and Friends to better the lives of others is a wonderful way to help us bond and further Grow our CommUnity!

If you are interested in making a difference in the lives of our greater Coachella Valley community, please contact our Social Justice chair, Denise Janssen-Eager, at djansseneager@gmail.com.

UUCOD Stewardship and Membership Committees

Growing Connections To Our CommUnity: Practice Welcoming

Do you remember what it felt like coming to our church for the first time? What it is like to start a new job or go to a party where you don’t know anyone? These can be uncomfortable experiences and it makes a world of difference when someone reaches out to welcome you, introduces themselves, asks you about yourself, and begins a relationship.

Our Membership and Worship teams do a wonderful job of welcoming new visitors and existing Members and Friends to our community on a Sunday morning. But what then? How do we further develop connections with one another and strengthen one’s sense of belonging in our community?

Our belief in the concept of a shared ministry is based upon the premise that each of us has a responsibility to support, protect and nurture one another to strengthen our sense of belonging; to build community. Our Stewardship team has long promoted the concept that we are all shepherds of our community and that we should seek to be kind and gracious hosts to one another. Members. Friends. Visitors. No exceptions.

All of us can easily do this. Reach out to those with whom you are unfamiliar. Welcome newcomers. Introduce yourself. Ask sincere questions to know one better. Don’t forget to reach out to current Members you may not know. Acknowledge one another and continue your discussions on subsequent encounters. Generally, the more interactions we have with one another, the stronger our bonds become. Help all feel part of our community and you will find your own community much expanded. Welcoming is a lovely gift to others we can so easily give. Be welcoming!

UUCOD Stewardship and Membership Committees

Growing Connections To Our CommUnity: Practice Generosity

In February we begin our annual pledge drive where it’s typical to think of generosity in pledging. Certainly, giving generously of our monetary treasure helps to pay the bills for our community as well as care for our building.

There are so many additional ways to practice generosity in our Community.

We give generously of our time on Sunday mornings by helping Hospitality in the kitchen, being a greeter, or volunteering as an usher. Also, there’s finding our individual interests where we enjoy giving generously of our time.

Perhaps you would enjoy working with others on a committee. Do you like finance? Our finance committee will welcome you. Do you enjoy meeting new people? Our membership committee will also welcome your assistance. Do you have skills and/or experience in maintenance of a building? Our facilities committee would welcome you.

Is social justice your passion? Our Social Justice Committee is always engaged in activities and events where your passion will be appreciated.

If you are not interested in joining a committee, there are many ways to volunteer around the church. You could help out on our special events, like the chili cookoff, the auction, our yard sale and our occasional meals together.

Not sure about any of these, but wonder how to meet new people? Practice generosity in reaching out to folks you don’t know. You might be surprised at how generously a bright smile and a “hello, how are you?” will be received.

Generosity of time, experience, skills, talent, and treasure, all of these enrich our community, deepen our friendships and help to Grow Connections to Our CommUnity.

UUCOD Stewardship and Membership Committees

Growing Connections To Our CommUnity: Attend Sunday Services Frequently

An old adage says that half the battle is won by just showing up, and that holds true for strengthening our bonds of community as well. Sunday services have the highest attendance of any activity during our church week and offer so many opportunities to engage with one another; to catch up with old friends and greet individuals new to our community. Your attendance is a gift to others attending the service and to our community. We hope your presence is meaningful for you as well.

Attending services in person, being among other like-minded people, and sharing the richness of the service together is simply a more powerful, personal experience than viewing the service remotely. Circumstances often prohibit us from attending service in person, so our streaming service is a wonderful alternative but the warmth of community that surrounds us in the sanctuary during services is a very real feeling.

Showing up on a Sunday morning helps reflect to newcomers that we are a robust, engaged, and committed community. Perhaps a place where they might be welcomed and find community as well. We always look forward to seeing you.

UUCOD Stewardship and Membership Committees