In deep love from Rev. Ian
he past weeks in our country have shaken many of us to the core. The revelations of the congressional hearings, continued gun violence, the attacks on trans youth and their families, and the Supreme Court’s removal of the protection of the rights of women and many trans folks to control their own bodies and choose how and if they want to bring life into the world.
I’ve heard from so many of you about the fear and anger and confusion that you are feeling—and your fierce call to act to bring change, to ensure health and fairness for all, to help the most vulnerable among us to access the health care they need to keep themselves and their families safe. We’ve been sharing resources by e-mail and our newsletter and on our Community of UUCOD Facebook page. And there will be more. We will work together to bring the change we want to see in the world.
Not in spite of our faith and our values, but because of them. Because our Unitarian Universalist principles and tradition call us to recognize and defend the right of all of us to control and make decisions about our bodies. Our sacred, beautiful, and powerful bodies. Whatever sex or size or shape or color, our bodies are a gift and we must be free and empowered to make our own decisions about how we will care for and live in those bodies.
And even as we make plans and share our strong convictions, remember to reach out to each other. Check in with each other. Each of us reacts differently to these challenges and each of us—each of our bodies and spirits—needs to be cared for and loved. Call each other and ask how things are going. Call each other and ask for help. Those whose actions are shaking us rely on us being separated from each other. Remember that we are a loving, caring community as well as one which will fight for justice and fairness.
When we have gathered together in small groups to grieve and connect after the mass shootings and after the Supreme Court’s rulings, after we hear each person’s sharing, we have responded, “We hear you. We love you. You are not alone.”
Remember that.
Listen to each other.
Love each other.
And always remember, you are not alone.