Join us for a casual full moon sound bath at our UUCOD Peace Labyrinth, just as the full moon is rising. Explore this beautiful desert space to connect with the […]
Worship Leaders: Rev. Ian W. Riddell, Michael Allen and Daljit Singh
Worship Associate: Ginger Hemingway
What values do we carry with us from those who came before? What dreams? What responsibilities? What can we learn about ourselves by hearing the voices of our ancestors?
Are you interested in becoming a member of UUCOD? Attend the October 22 & 29 classes which cover these topics: Sharing of Personal Journeys, our UUCOD Story, Unitarian Universalism Overview, Membership Rights & Responsibilities. Contact a member of the Membership Committee at the Sunday Welcoming Table to find out more.
Join Gustavo Wong in the Community Room for Tai Chi classes.
S2S2S Rehearsal
Our on-going first Wednesday crafting time now includes a mix of skill sets including laughter, camaraderie & a break from routine. Mark your calendar to join us the first Wednesday of each month as we morph into broader directions beyond just painting rocks (which continues). Exploring Creativity is energizing. Bring your project, lunch & beverage & drop in between 11:30 - 2:00 to participate. No host; no RSVP needed; set-up/clean-up is shared; just roll on over & see what is born.
11/2-11/4 These dates are not available for any other rentals of the building due to UUCOD Auction.
Meeting on Zoom. Anyone is welcome, just contact Barb Storms.
Join us at Don and Sweet Sue's Cafe in Cathedral City at 8:00am on the first Friday of the month.
11/2-11/4 These dates are not available for any other rentals of the building due to UUCOD Auction.
Best Bid Silent Auction. Click to download the catalog.