Worship Leaders: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
Worship Associate: Bob Rancourt
Our fourth principle calls us to a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. What does it mean to be responsible in our search for meaning and how do we live out the results of our searching?
Within Registration deadline EXTENDED to Friday, September 2nd! Complete your registration to be part of our Fall Term of either Gathering Our Selves (for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) or […]
Worship Leader: Rev. Ian
Worship Associate: Bryna Blum
What work do we value? Why do we honor the work of some over the work of others? What do we owe to those who do the work we call essential. Join us on this Labor Day weekend as we explore together.
Interested in joining other UUCOD members in a friendly game or two of scrabble? ALL ARE WELCOME-FROM NOVICE TO EXPERT! We will meet the first and third Wednesday of the month at […]
Our on-going first Wednesday crafting time now includes a mix of skill sets including laughter, camaraderie & a break from routine. Mark your calendar to join us the first Wednesday in September as we morph into broader directions beyond just painting rocks (which continues). Exploring Creativity is energizing. Bring your project, lunch & beverage & drop in between 11:30 - 2:00 to participate. No host; no RSVP needed; set-up/clean-up is shared; just roll on over & see what is born
Neurodivergence is a large category for all the ways people’s brains can be different from “typical”. That includes autism, sensory sensitivity, long covid, C-PTSD, anxiety, traumatic brain injury, epilepsy, and more.
Adopting the 8th principle was the beginning of our journey towards spiritual wholeness and our work to dismantle racism and all forms of oppression. Examining our abelist biases is another facet of our anti-oppression work.
Join us every Thursday at 6:45 at the Church for a game of Bridge. (Set up is at 6:45pm and Bridge begins at 7:00pm) All are welcome and if you […]
Friday, September 9 @ 6:00 - 9:00pm
Saturday, September 10 @n9am to 8:30pm
Sunday, September 11 @ 12-6:30pm
*all tiimes are Pacific Standard
Please join if you are ready to take a leading role as we envision living into our 8th Principle.
The training includes presentations, discussions, videos, exercises, and small group work. It is open to anyone who wants to journey toward making a stand against racism.
Worship Leader: Rev. Ian
Worship Associate: Joni Padduck
We affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person and we affirm and promote justice, equity, and compassion in human relations. How are we called to live these principles out in our relationships with all the people, all the bodies, around us?
Welcome back to Women's Night Out (WNO)! We will meet at Maracas Mexican Cantina & Grill. The owner asks for patience with our separate checks, as with staffing, it might […]
Worship Leaders: Bryna Blum, Fran Hoag, Diana Leslie, Steven Toporoff, Mel Wilkinson
Would you like the opportunity to get to know more people in our congregation and spend time exploring some interesting spiritual questions? Learn more about Chalice Circles, part of UUA’s small group ministry, that invites participants to reflect and share their life experiences on various topics. This Sunday five chalice circle members will simulate a Chalice Circle with congregation participation. Our topic will be “What Are Your Feelings About Joy These Days?” Do join us.
September 19 & 26
October 17, 24 & 31
November 21 & 28
Spiritual Leadership is not reserved for religious professionals or lay leaders. Learn how deepening our spiritual leadership can strengthen our shared ministry and how soulful engagement with our faith can enhance our Beloved Community.
Interested in joining other UUCOD members in a friendly game or two of scrabble? ALL ARE WELCOME-FROM NOVICE TO EXPERT! We will meet the first and third Wednesday of the month at […]
Interested in joining other UUCOD members in a friendly game or two of scrabble? ALL ARE WELCOME-FROM NOVICE TO EXPERT! We will meet the first and third Wednesday of the month at […]
Interested in joining other UUCOD members in a friendly game or two of scrabble? ALL ARE WELCOME-FROM NOVICE TO EXPERT! We will meet the first and third Wednesday of the month at […]
Interested in joining other UUCOD members in a friendly game or two of scrabble? ALL ARE WELCOME-FROM NOVICE TO EXPERT! We will meet the first and third Wednesday of the month at […]
Interested in joining other UUCOD members in a friendly game or two of scrabble? ALL ARE WELCOME-FROM NOVICE TO EXPERT! We will meet the first and third Wednesday of the month at […]