72425 Via Vail
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270

Sunday Worship: Atonement and Right Relations

Hybrid: Online and In-Person 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
Worship Associate: Bryna Blum

How can ancient and modern practices of apology, atonement, and restitution help us understand ways we can live together in right relation?

Sunday Worship: Gathered in Love

Hybrid: Online and In-Person 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
Worship Associate: Robert Rancourt
The seats are getting full on Sunday mornings, our teams and committees are meeting and planning, and our hearts are rejoicing as we see journeying faces again. Join us to celebrate coming together and starting another loving year together.

Sunday Worship: Covenant as Community Keeper

Hybrid: Online and In-Person 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Worship Leader: Julia Alberg-Burbank
Worship Associate: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
How does the act of keeping covenant help us forge community when individualism is so strong? How do covenants provide us a roadmap back to each other when we are in conflict?

Sunday Worship: The Stories Our Ancestors Told Us

Hybrid: Online and In-Person 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Worship Leader: Rev. Ian
Worship Associate: Joni Padduck
Join us as we share stories of living in community shared with us by our ancestors.

Sunday Worship: Staying Joyful During the Holiday!

Hybrid: Online and In-Person 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Worship Leader: Rev. Tom Owen-Towle
Worship Associate: Bob Rancourt

Join us in welcoming Rev. Tom Owen-Towle back to UUCOD as he guides us in exploring the coming holiday season.

Sunday Worship: “Rise Up, O Flame: Embracing a New Year”

Hybrid: Online and In-Person 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
Worship Associate: Joni Padduck
At the beginning of a new year, we look back and wonder what we can let go from the year gone by and what we can carry forward into the months to come. Join us as we let the past burn away and shed light on the future.

Sunday Worship: What Do We Mean When We Say: Beloved Community?

Hybrid: Online and In-Person 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Worship Leaders: Rev. Ian W. Riddell, Julia Alberg-Burbank, Jane Zaun, Joaquin Galeano and Walter Gendell
We've been talking a lot about being and becoming a "Beloved Community" but what do we mean by that? What do you think that means? Join us as we explore living into our covenant in loving, just, and deepening ways.

Sunday Worship: Co-Creating the Beloved Community

Hybrid: Online and In-Person 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Worship Leader: Dr. Mignonne Pollard
Worship Associate: Sarita Gonzales

The beloved community is a concept that Martin Luther King Jr popularized as the belief that justice, abundance, and peace is for all. The community is a global community. As we embody MLK’s dream, we recognize that one path to the beloved community is through racial healing. Racial healing asks each of us to investigate our own backgrounds for understanding and knowledge before we reach across the aisle to our neighbors. As we do this work of racial healing, we can consciously co-create our world. This week we will honor the MLK’s dream as well as meditate on the Unitarian Universalist’s 8th principle.

Sunday Worship: 1 Comes Before 3

Hybrid: Online and In-Person 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Worship Leaders: Laura and Annie Meeks
Worship Associate: Bryna Blum

We are all influenced by our parents and mentors as we grow up. They paint a picture of the world for us, and we go out into that world as young minds. All of us then find there are many worlds, many cultures, and many beliefs on how the world works. What happens when those worlds clash?
I followed the path I was told would work for me, a white male in America. At 31 I found out that I was much different and was faced with a choice. I could stay on my path and be unhappy with who I was or change my gender presentation with hopes of finding happiness. What did we choose and how did it work?
My wife of 36 years and I will share part of our story of challenge, love, and acceptance as together we make a Major Transformation.

Sunday Worship: It is in Giving that We Receive

Hybrid: Online and In-Person 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
Worship Assistant: Tess Phillips
Our community thrives because we practice generosity. We bring our hearts and minds and hands to the work of nurturing our community and sharing our vision. Join us as we reflect on generosity and ponder how our own hearts and spirits grow as we give.

Sunday Worship: Mistakes and Miracles

Hybrid: Online and In-Person 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
Worship Associate: Ginger Hemingway
Sometimes when we’re working hard to change the way things are, we feel like we’re alone. We feel like making mistakes will be devastating. But we can choose to look around and notice that we are actually not alone, that others are there with us, others have walked our path before us and we can learn from their mistakes and the miracles and connections that made their journey possible. Join us as we explore this in our own lives and the life of our congregation as we kick off our reading of Mistakes and Miracles.

Sunday Worship: Walking with the Mystics: Universalism and Liberation

Hybrid: Online and In-Person 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Worship Leader: Rev. Dr. Don Stouder
Worship Associate: Bob Rancourt
oin Rev. Don as he journeys back in time to explore the Universalist and liberatory message of early Christian mystics, who bucked the church doctrine of their day to preach an inclusive message of love and justice. They wrote of an early path that we have come to call Creation Spirituality, and Rev. Don will explore that path and how it connects to our historic and contemporary vision of Universalism.

Sunday Worship: All Creatures Great and Small: Blessing of the Animals

Hybrid: Online and In-Person 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
Worship Associate: Julia Alberg-Burbank
For so many of us, the non-human animals in our lives bring companionship, love, trust, and healing.