72425 Via Vail
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270

Chalice Circle

Community Room 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership


Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership

Spiritual Leadership is not reserved for religious professionals or lay leaders.  Learn how deepening our spiritual leadership can strengthen our shared ministry and how soulful engagement with our faith can enhance our Beloved Community. 


Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership


Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership

Spiritual Leadership is not reserved for religious professionals or lay leaders.  Learn how deepening our spiritual leadership can strengthen our shared ministry and how soulful engagement with our faith can enhance our Beloved Community. 


Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership


Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership

Spiritual Leadership is not reserved for religious professionals or lay leaders.  Learn how deepening our spiritual leadership can strengthen our shared ministry and how soulful engagement with our faith can enhance our Beloved Community. 


Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership


Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership

Spiritual Leadership is not reserved for religious professionals or lay leaders.  Learn how deepening our spiritual leadership can strengthen our shared ministry and how soulful engagement with our faith can enhance our Beloved Community. 


Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership


Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership

Spiritual Leadership is not reserved for religious professionals or lay leaders.  Learn how deepening our spiritual leadership can strengthen our shared ministry and how soulful engagement with our faith can enhance our Beloved Community. 


Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership


Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership

Spiritual Leadership is not reserved for religious professionals or lay leaders.  Learn how deepening our spiritual leadership can strengthen our shared ministry and how soulful engagement with our faith can enhance our Beloved Community. 


Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership


Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership

Spiritual Leadership is not reserved for religious professionals or lay leaders.  Learn how deepening our spiritual leadership can strengthen our shared ministry and how soulful engagement with our faith can enhance our Beloved Community. 


Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership


Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership

Spiritual Leadership is not reserved for religious professionals or lay leaders.  Learn how deepening our spiritual leadership can strengthen our shared ministry and how soulful engagement with our faith can enhance our Beloved Community. 


Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership


Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership

Spiritual Leadership is not reserved for religious professionals or lay leaders.  Learn how deepening our spiritual leadership can strengthen our shared ministry and how soulful engagement with our faith can enhance our Beloved Community. 



Jubilee Three Anti-Racism Course


Friday, September 9 @ 6:00 - 9:00pm
Saturday, September 10 @n9am to 8:30pm
Sunday, September 11 @ 12-6:30pm

*all tiimes are Pacific Standard

Please join  if you are ready to take a leading role as we envision living into our 8th Principle.

The training includes presentations, discussions, videos, exercises, and small group work. It is open to anyone who wants to journey toward making a stand against racism.

$85 – $170


Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership 7 Online Class Series


September 19 & 26
October 17, 24 & 31
November 21 & 28

Spiritual Leadership is not reserved for religious professionals or lay leaders.  Learn how deepening our spiritual leadership can strengthen our shared ministry and how soulful engagement with our faith can enhance our Beloved Community. 



A Very Brief History of Black Hollywood

Sanctuary 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Film Series on Fridays @ 10 – 11:30 am on

November 11, 18
December 2, 9, 16

This five-week seminar will examine the changing characterizations of African Americans in film since D.W. Griffith’s The Birth of a Nation (1915). While there is a rich history of African Americans in film both behind and in front of the camera, film scholar Donald Bogle states, “No racial group or ethnicity was more blatantly distorted than African Americans.”

Lifespan class: Deepen Your Connection to the Land and Its Inhabitants

Using your senses and other ways of knowing, spend a quiet morning in our Sacred Grounds forming a relationship with an animal, plant or mineral. Robin Wall Kimmerer wrote in her book, Braiding Sweetgrass: “Knowing that you love the earth changes you, activates you to defend and protect and celebrate. But when you feel that the earth loves […]

Lifespan class: Take Photos with Your Phone Like a Pro

Learn to have fun with your iPhone or Android camera in this short, hands-on tutorial. Led by Jack Fitzsimmons, and Fran Hoag you will learn the basics of camera use, how to frame a shot, and some nifty tricks to take pictures like a pro. We will photograph in our beloved Sacred Grounds and get up […]