On the Second Sunday of the month we collect a sock donation for the clients of Well in the Desert. The Well serves the population of the Coachella Valley in poverty prevention, intervention and advocacy.
Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
Worship Associate: Bryna Blum
Yes, yarn crafting again! Join Rev. Ian as we think about the ways that the long, slow process of creating large pieces of fabric to decorate our homes and keep us warm and cozy can point to possibilities for resilience and persistence in a changing world.
The Board of Directors carries on the buiness of the church every third Tuesday of the month. Members, feel free to show up in person or online during the Voices of the Congregation portion of the meeting to ask your questions or tell us your thoughts! Agendas and approved minutes from prior meetings are available […]
Interested in joining other UUCOD members in a friendly game or two of scrabble? ALL ARE WELCOME-FROM NOVICE TO EXPERT! We will meet the first and third Thursday of the month at 11:00am. Please contact Carol Lavoie for more information.