Hello friends,
This month we continue our exploration of the values that unite and inspire us as Unitarian Universalists. A reminder that individuals and congregations across the Unitarian Universalist Association are exploring these values in preparation for deciding on adopting new language in our UUA bylaws that express our shared values and covenants with each other. We’ll be sharing conversation and reflection together, including in our Chalice Circles each month.
For November, we’ll be looking at Pluralism.
We celebrate that we are all sacred beings diverse in culture, experience, and theology. We covenant to learn from one another in our free and responsible search for truth and meaning. We embrace our differences and commonalities with Love, curiosity, and respect.
This month in worship, we’ll be exploring how our differences make us stronger (and how comic books are important literature!) and we’ll be reminding ourselves—as we head into Thanksgiving—that welcoming all to our table of bounty is an important part of who we strive to be as a community and as people of faith.
I hope you’ll join as we celebrate diversity, joy, and fabulousness in the annual Palm Springs Pride Parade on November 5. And rejoice in the abundance of generosity and variety as we gather in person for our annual service Auction for the first time in years!
I hope also that you will join us at 4pm on Sunday, November 12, as we take time to honor the new relationship that we are building together as congregation and minister in our Installation service. An Installation Service is an opportunity for a congregation and its settled minister to formally acknowledge and celebrate the new beginning in their shared ministry and to ponder together a shared vision of ministry. The service involves a ritual of installation, a wonderful sermon from a colleague and mentor of mine, words and music from our congregation and from some of the ministers in our region, and even the exchange of some gifts in honor of the new shared ministry. And it’s a chance for a party, too!
I hope you’ll join in the exploration.
in peace and love
Rev. Ian