72425 Via Vail
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270

We are committed to compassion.  We are….

…a sanctuary for diversity, spiritual growth, and social justice

…nuestra misión es ser un santuario de diversidad, crecimiento espiritual y justicia social

Worship Services

News in Brief

Bread not Stone: Transformation

This month in worship and in our chalice circles, we are exploring the. Last of the values expressed in the UUA’s proposed new description of our central values: Transformation. This value is shared with these words:

Transformation. We adapt to the changing world. We covenant to collectively transform and grow spiritually and ethically. Openness to change is fundamental to our Unitarian and Universalist heritages, never complete and never perfect.

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Open to Change

In some climates, where seasons change, “April showers bring May flowers.” Reportedly, April, the name of the month, originally takes its name from the verb “to open,” as in the season when flowers and trees begin to open. Perhaps it’s no surprise then that April brings Earth Day, on the 22nd.

As we usher in the opening season, are we open to change? Do we encourage enough spiritual growth? Have you transformed lately? Do you value transformation? Rev. Riddell will be asking us to consider transformation this month in his Sunday messages:

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Growing Connections to Our CommUnity

This following post is the beginning in a series of mothly posts outlining what stewardship means to us at UUCOD.  Each month we will explore a different aspect of being in CommUnity.

Growing Connections To Our CommUnity

Three:  Support Our Social Justice Committee Activities

At the heart of Unitarian Universalist beliefs is the recognition that we do not all start from the same place. We believe that we must acknowledge this and do our part to help adjust these inherent imbalances. We strive to achieve fairness and justice in all our endeavors and our Social Justice Committee develops and leads many programs and activities with this in mind.

The “Share the Plate” Sundays are a perfect example of how we learn about local programs that work with those in need. We share our treasures with them so we can work toward righting imbalances and provide justice and fairness in the world. Please donate generously. We encourage Members and Friends to search for deserving programs to add to next year‘s list of Share the Plate recipients and consider getting involved with them beyond the Sunday service. Also, consider giving generously of your time and talent as well as your treasures. Perhaps your talents fit the Social Justice Committee?

Consider actively participating in the other Social Justice Committee guided activities. In addition to the Pride Parade, we have marched against gun violence and for women’s rights, written letters to get out the vote, supported safe schools for LGBTQ+ students, campaigned for ecological justice, and petitioned for support from our U.S. Representative Dr. Raul Ruiz. In addition, we provide holiday food boxes and gifts for migrant families and children throughout the Coachella Valley.

Getting involved on a personal level, such as packing food boxes, delivering our Sunday donations to the various organizations, handing out holiday turkeys and food to lines of cars with deserving families, brings great joy to those involved. Working alongside other Members and Friends to better the lives of others is a wonderful way to help us bond and further Grow our CommUnity!

If you are interested in making a difference in the lives of our greater Coachella Valley community, please contact our Social Justice chair, Denise Janssen-Eager, at djansseneager@gmail.com.


UUCOD Stewardship and Membership Committees

What’s Happening This Week

Week of Events