72425 Via Vail
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270

Sunday Worship: Reducing your Ecological Footprint

Sancturary and Livestream on our Website 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA

Guest Speaker: Karen Isebrands-Brown Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell UUCOD has an honorably small ecological footprint…. thanks to the efforts of the congregation. It is critical that we not underestimate the importance of each of our own personal/household ecological footprints. Today we will “drill down” to identify what each of us can do to reduce […]

Sunday Worship: Each One Teach One: Learning Skill in Community

Sancturary and Livestream on our Website 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA

Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
Worship Associate: Julia Alberg-Burbank

How do we learn the skills we need to thrive in society? How do we build our abilities in new areas and ways of being to respond to the needs of the world. Perhaps we can find inspiration and challenge from the crafting community.

Sunday Worship: Here in This Place: Finding Home in the Desert

Sancturary and Livestream on our Website 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA

Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
Worship Associate: Steven Toporoff

As we celebrate our 20th anniversary in our beautiful building we welcome new members to our beloved community as our memories of the past inspire our future.

Sunday Worship: Fear is the Mind Killer: The Bene Gesserit way of Allyship

Sancturary and Livestream on our Website 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA

Guest Speaker: Chrisanne Blankenship
Worship Associate: Ginger Hemingway

Our guest speaker, Chrisanne Blankenship-Billings shares: We find truth in all kinds of places and from all kinds of people. In the 1970s I was introduced to the Dune universe and found resonance in so much of this fictional place I have returned to its many incarnations for the last 35 years to plumb the depth of its truth. The Litany Against Fear is my Jesus Prayer, an almost subconscious repetition of calm in a world of anything but.