It’s the end of September, snow birds are returning, church seats are filling up, groups are re-assembling, and the new church year begins. The new Board—constituted by two new Members and one re-elected Member—has now met twice and taken some actions of which to be aware.

Firstly, with the changes of Board seats, we’ve adjusted Board liaison assignments. Per By-Laws, Board Members provide liaison services to the committees and groups, which should send their agenda and notes from their meetings to their assigned Board Liaison. The Board Member needs to be aware of the actions and needs of their assigned committees and groups. (See By-Laws, Art. VII, 1. [“Board shall provide . . . liaison services as needed to Committees and Councils”]; By-Laws, Art. VII, F.5. [“Board has power to appoint Directors to serve as liaison between Committees and Board”].)

The Second Vice President, currently Frank Riela, will continue to provide liaison services to the Stewardship Committee and Lifespan Spiritual Growth, but the Secretary, Claudia Simmons, will take on the liaison post with the Membership Committee. Frank will be the new liaison to the Social Justice Committee. The treasurer will no longer serve as liaison to the Sacred Grounds Initiative (SGI), which will now be assigned to Director-at-Large John Ressler, who previously served on SGI’s Steering Committee. John is also taking on the liaison position with the Facilities and Furnishings Committee. Please take note for your affected committee or group, if any.

Look at how full the church calendar already is! One occasion of which to take note is our 65th birthday on October 13. The first Church Council follows on October 19, and then November brings the Pride Parade on the 3rd and our annual service auction on November 8 and 9. New Members are celebrated on November 17

Turning to next year, the Sacred Grounds Initiative introduces its next native habitat garden on January 12. We’ll be having a new bake-off fundraiser on January 19. On February 1, we kick off the annual Pledge Drive with “Bingo Night.” Another big fundraiser for us is the Yard Sale, slated for March 7-8. Second Church Council is on March 15. Another slate of new Members is celebrated on March 23.

The Board has also established its new short-range goals for FY 2024 – 2025. (By-Laws, Art. VII, 1.) With the help of the Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Ministry (DIBM), we will develop and socialize new policies on accessibility and anti-racism. With the help of the Minister and the congregation, we are carrying forward from last year and hoping to complete (concurrent with the upcoming church birthday and building anniversary milestones) the development and implementation of a process for revising our Mission, Values, and Vision Statements. With the help of the Personnel Advisory Committee, we will revise the Employee Manual and create and/or revise personnel policies ripe for revisions and updates.

Another short-range goal the Board has set for this year is to research, procure, and implement usage of new church management software, to replace the retiring MemInfo application and the paper Membership Directory. The Board is working with a task force, including the Minister and Administrator and Members of the Membership Committee, toward selecting and completing the purchase of a new churchwide computer management system. Finally, the Safety Committee would like to facilitate drills and training sessions in the areas of active shooter preparation and emergency evacuation readiness.

On behalf of the Board, we are looking forward to moving the church forward and facilitating an exciting, full, and rich church year to come. As always, your participation is important and necessary. Come to the next Board Meeting (October 15), Church Council (October 19), or any other Board meeting and share your feedback!

Bob Rancourt

President’s Message Recent Posts

General Assembly 2024 Is in the Books

From June 20–23, more than 3,400 Unitarian Universalists from around the country and world gathered and attended this year’s all-virtual UUA General Assembly, GA is the annual gathering of UUs, where, in addition to conducting official business of the UUA, they join in community, explore the faith’s theological underpinnings, and emphasize the UUA’s mission, values, and principles. GA 2024 had 2,757 credentialed delegates from 734 congregations in fifty states; Washington, D.C.; Canada; the U.S. Virgin Islands; Mexico, France, and the Philippines. Five UUCOD leaders represented the church: Rev. Riddell; Walter Gendell; Linda Savard; Jane Zaun; and me. This year’s theme was “Love Unites, Stories Ignite,” meant to celebrate the profound impact of love as a binding force that transcends boundaries and divisions.

Open to Change

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President’s Message: Along This Yellow Brick Road of Life

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Another one that popped up the other day is the all-time great The Wizard of Oz, the “most seen film in movie history.” It’s rich in many themes, but perhaps the transformation of the scarecrow, tin man, and lion is most prescient as we trudge along this yellow brick road of life.

Save the Dates! Church Is Back in Full Swing!

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President’s Message for October 1, 2023

Your 2023 – 2024 Board has now met several times and we are off and running. With an orientation, two Regular Meetings, and a Retreat under our belt, we have discussed and approved many items of business, including our short-range fiscal year goals and longer term, three-year strategic goals.  These goals and plans remind me of a former minister who once preached about the importance of setting our boats right. The Board has set its boat right! Read more to find a listing of the goals we approved at our retreat.