Every First Sunday of a month, our congregations collects a food and clothing offering for Galilee Center and their overnight shelter. The center serves the needs of seniors & families, migrant farm workers & asylum applicants in the Mecca area.
Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
Worship Associate: Bryna Blum
Inspired by the traditions of our Jewish neighbors and kin we ponder together what being committed to right relations—to care and repair and deepening—might look like in our messy, conflicted world.
Join us each Monday as for a group meditation and inspirational reading. Drop-ins are welcome.
If you are past your 80th birthday, come on over to the Community room the second Wednesday of the month for lively interactions. There we laugh & picnic as well occasionally share a tidbit of accumulated joy or wisdom. Mark your calendar. BYO picnic. No RSVP needed.
UU Men's Group - Happy Hour - Saturday, October 11, 4-6 PM: (Note New Date) The men's group will be gathering for a happy hour this month (instead of our usual breakfast meeting) in the Jungle Room at Casa MarVelez (LeGrand and Daniel's Home). Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided, as well as bud […]
Yom Kippur Morning Saturday, October 12th, 10:00 AM Yom Kippur Afternoon Gratitude Service Saturday, October 12th, 2:30 PM Healing Service of Music and Meditation Saturday, October 12th, 4:00 PM Yizkor Saturday, October 12th, 4:30 PM Nei'lah/Havdalah Saturday, October 12th, 5:00 PM "Break the Fast" Saturday, October 12th, 6:00 PM