Every First Sunday of a month, our congregations collects a food and clothing offering for Galilee Center and their overnight shelter. The center serves the needs of seniors & families, migrant farm workers & asylum applicants in the Mecca area.
Worship Leader: Rev. Sarah Gibb Millspaugh
Worship Associate: Joni Padduck
s we begin to consider a deeper, longer commitment with our minister Rev. Ian Riddell, our guest speaker Rev. Sarah Gibb Millspaugh from the UUA Pacific Western Region staff leads us in reflecting on how we are always forming, and re-forming, ourselves and our communities. In these tumultuous times we are called to live differently than our consumerist, hyper-individualist society may have taught us. Together we are called to embrace a kind of spiritual salvage work: saving one another, our planet, and ourselves; living into a deep interdependence and joyful aliveness. Calling a minister at a time like this has a profound meaning for UUCOD, a congregation that Sarah has partnered with on its own healing journey of the past seven years. Let us celebrate all that we are and all that we are becoming, together.
Have you been thinking about becoming a UUCOD member?
Join us for information about the History of Unitarian Universalism, UUCOD's 60 years in the Desert and discover how to contribute your Time, Treasures and Talents to our community.
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Join us each Monday as for a group meditation and inspirational reading. Drop-ins are welcome.
“So, What’s Next?” A Re-start Workshop Save your Place: Wednesday, March 8th 10:00am-2:30pm in the Sanctuary A day camp style workshop that is designed to clarify what’s possible: Tune into your own wisdom Experience support and encouragement Surprise yourself with your new joyful path forward
Join us for choir practice on Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm-8:00pm. All are welcome...from beginning to advanced singing levels. We hope to see you there!
This class is for the people who won it during the UUCOD Auction in November.