72425 Via Vail
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270

Sunday Worship: The Worth of a Person from a Jewish Perspective

Hybrid: Online and In-Person 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

One of the principal affirmations in Judaism is that we are all created in the image of the divine and as a result we are all entitled to dignity and to be valued. Today, more than ever, we must not only remember this but practice this individually, collectively, as a nation and the world.

Palm Desert Independence Day Celebration

Civic Center Park 73510 Fred Waring Drive, Palm Desert, CA

Join the Social BUUterflies at this festive celebration highlighted by a concert and fireworks at Civic Center Park.   The Swing Cats Big Band with the Swing Kittens will entertain the crowd with a lively set of songs.  At 9 p.m. the sky will light up with a spectacular 20-minute-long fireworks display,


S2S2S Board Meeting

Hybrid: Online and In-Person 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Sunday Worship: War, Peace and Principled Action

Hybrid: Online and In-Person 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Worship Leader: Corbett Bratten
Worship Associate: Joni Padduck

A look at Veterans and the Peace Movement. How war really is a racket and how you, military veteran or not, can help bring peace to the planet.

Arts and Crafts Day

Community Room 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

We can generate inspiration through our own actions; I’m inviting you to bring your paints and brushes and rocks & friends and join me in the UUCOD Community room this Wednesday at 11:30 with your picnic lunch for some fun.  It’s been said that when we allow ourselves to play, we connect with different aspects […]

Afternoon Book Club

All are welcome! Books by Toni Morrison will be discussed, including "Beloved".  We will meet at the Scanny cabin.

Sunday Worship: Regeneration and Resistance

Hybrid: Online and In-Person 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
Worship Associate: Julia Alberg-Burbank

What might Theodore Parker and Doctor Who have to tell us about imagination, possibility, and perseverance? Join us as we explore identity and renewal in the face of the needs of the world.

Sunday Worship: Woven in a Single Garment of Destiny

Hybrid: Online and In-Person 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Worship Leaders: Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray
Worship Associate: Rev. Ian W. Riddell

Join us as we share this recorded service from UUA president, Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray. We're all connected: an interdependent whole. Therefore, says Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, "covenant is our religious response to our fundamental interdependence." We make promises about how to be together, and how to be in the world. We also fall short of honoring those promises, inviting us to repair and strengthen the strands of community. The choice to mend broken strands of the web is an act of faithfulness.

Sunday Worship: Kindness

Hybrid: Online and In-Person 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
Worship Associate: Sarita Gonzales

How do we practice kindness in a world that jostles us and pokes us and gives us so many opportunities to experience unkindness? Join us for a time of reflection, listening, practice, and renewal.

Minister Meeting

Sanctuary 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Sunday Worship: What I Learned on the Plane from Frank

Hybrid: Online and In-Person 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Worship Leader: Vanessa T. Ament Ph.D., M.Div.
Worship Associate: Bryna Blum

The key message is to re-asses our assumptions about others as they deal with issues, such as conflict, in ways we might as individuals or a culture, judge, then dismiss, rather than try to understand as a way to open dialogue and gain understanding and compassion.

Dos Shabbat Potluck Dinner

Sanctuary 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Using the sanctuary and kitchen.

Sunday Worship: The Impact of Our Aliveness on a More Joyful World

Hybrid: Online and In-Person 72425 Via Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA, United States

Worship Leader: Dr. Maxine Kaye
Worship Associate: Mack Rogers

Enhancing our own personal attitudes and practices for an energetic and joyful life experience increases our capability to work happily and consistently in creating a world that works for all.

Relying on the Universal Source of Life that is ever-present, we become effective instruments for positive changes in ourselves and in the world.