Stewardship Committee Meeting
This meeting has been moved from January 2 for the Holidays. Meeting on Zoom. Anyone is welcome, just contact Jane Zaun to get the link.
This meeting has been moved from January 2 for the Holidays. Meeting on Zoom. Anyone is welcome, just contact Jane Zaun to get the link.
Meeting on Zoom. Anyone is welcome, just contact Barb Storms.
Shabbat begins at 7:00pm
Guest Speaker: Megan Beaman Jacinto
Service Leader: Bryna Blum
We will discuss the protections that exist for immigrants in California despite the harms and threats in other parts of the country; the intersection and interplay between federal, state, and local efforts; and why these protections are good for all of us.
All are welcome.
Join us each Monday as for a group meditation and inspirational reading. Drop-ins are welcome.
Discover new ways to increase energy, reduce chronic pain, achieve health goals,and stay out of the hospital. Class and discussion the 3rd Wednesday of the month.
Join us as we being conversations about our congregation and its deepest values and its vision and mission for the future. We'll talk in large groups and small over the coming months--gathering all of our imaginings for our beloved community. We're hoping everyone will participate in one of these sessions. For more information, contact Rev. Ian.
Join us as we being conversations about our congregation and its deepest values and its vision and mission for the future. We'll talk in large groups and small over the coming months--gathering all of our imaginings for our beloved community. We're hoping everyone will participate in one of these sessions. For more information, contact Rev. Ian.
Worship Leader: Rev. Ian W. Riddell
Worship Associate: Steven Toporoff
What does it mean for us to have love or lovingkindness for people we don’t know—or don’t care for—or who don’t see us as worthy of love in return? How do we practice love in the face of cruelty and hate?
We are hosting a raffle for the bake-off and you can buy tickets now! Click through on the title to go to our raffle ticket website.
Join us each Monday as for a group meditation and inspirational reading. Drop-ins are welcome.
The Board of Directors carries on the buiness of the church every third Tuesday of the month. Members, feel free to show up in person or online during the Voices of the Congregation portion of the meeting to ask your questions or tell us your thoughts! Agendas and approved minutes from prior meetings are available […]