Black, Indigenous and Other People of Color – BIOPOC
Written by Vicki Vodrey. A comedy driven by hero worship, mistaken identity and family dysfunction. Starring Don Cilluffo, Diane Moore and Vernon Spence. Directed by Phylicia Mason.
Start the Pledge Drive with a BASH
Everyone is invited! There is no charge to participate. A Zoom link will be sent out the Thursday prior to the Bash.
Click on the event title for full details.
Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership
Spiritual Leadership is not reserved for religious professionals or lay leaders. Learn how deepening our spiritual leadership can strengthen our shared ministry and how soulful engagement with our faith can enhance our Beloved Community.
"Weaving Waters" Led by: Regional Leaders and Pacific Western Region Congregational Life Staff This will be an embodied, engaging, multi-gen worship service focusing on a parable of interdependence and unity. Waters cascade together, while maintaining their individual sources, combining to bring nutrients, gifts, and give life to something much larger. A story of interweaving while also affirming […]
Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership
Spiritual Leadership is not reserved for religious professionals or lay leaders. Learn how deepening our spiritual leadership can strengthen our shared ministry and how soulful engagement with our faith can enhance our Beloved Community.
Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership
Spiritual Leadership is not reserved for religious professionals or lay leaders. Learn how deepening our spiritual leadership can strengthen our shared ministry and how soulful engagement with our faith can enhance our Beloved Community.
Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership
Spiritual Leadership is not reserved for religious professionals or lay leaders. Learn how deepening our spiritual leadership can strengthen our shared ministry and how soulful engagement with our faith can enhance our Beloved Community.
Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership
Spiritual Leadership is not reserved for religious professionals or lay leaders. Learn how deepening our spiritual leadership can strengthen our shared ministry and how soulful engagement with our faith can enhance our Beloved Community.
Claiming Our Spiritual Leadership
Spiritual Leadership is not reserved for religious professionals or lay leaders. Learn how deepening our spiritual leadership can strengthen our shared ministry and how soulful engagement with our faith can enhance our Beloved Community.