This month in worship and in our chalice circles, we are exploring the last of the values expressed in the UUA’s proposed new description of our central values: Transformation. This value is shared with these words:
Transformation. We adapt to the changing world. We covenant to collectively transform and grow spiritually and ethically. Openness to change is fundamental to our Unitarian and Universalist heritages, never complete and never perfect.
One of the things that attracted me to our Unitarian Universalist tradition when I found it in the early 1990s was this encouragement—perhaps and expectation?—to growth and change and development. Not for its own sake, but in response to our exploration of truth and meaning, in response to our encounters and growing relationships with each other, in response to the needs of the world. That out of all of these activities and encounters we would regularly build new understandings of ourselves and the world, grow new vision.
Slowly and quietly over the coming months we will continue an exploration of how our vision for this beloved community—UUCOD—has grown and changed over the past years and how we understand our mission in the world, which grows from that vision. I’ve engaged the Board and the Church Council in beginning conversation and reflection and will be broadening that invitation in the coming months.
I’ll invite you to continue reflecting on the question I asked a couple of months ago in worship, “What is the purpose of our congregation in the world? What is its purpose in my life?” I can’t wait to hear your imaginings.
And, of course, as a denomination, we are grappling with the possibility of the change, the transformation, of the language we use to describe our common values. At General Assembly in June the gathered delegates will vote on whether the new Article II language, which we’ve been exploring this year, will become one new way of describing who we are to ourselves and to the world.
Jane Zaun and I will be hosting a conversation after service on May 19 when we hope you’ll join us to talk and think together about the new language and how it may or may not represent who we believe ourselves to be.
I’d invite you to take some time to explore information and resources about the new language at: Click here for Article ii: Study Commission and Click here for a UU World Article.
I hope you’ll join us.
As we do all this exploring and wondering, don’t forget that we are not aiming to express everything we believe or envision completely and perfectly. We are striving together to share how we understand ourselves to be in this moment and commit ourselves to always wondering and deepening and exploring together, in beloved community.
in peace and love
Rev. Ian