Get Involved with
Our Sacred Grounds
What matches your interests and skills? What will warm your heart?
Communication and Promotion
Apply your editing, writing, marketing, social media or organizational skills
Newsletter or website blog articles
Emails to the Sacred Grounds list
Staffing info tables on the patio on Sundays
I’m inspired, I can help with Sacred Grounds Communications.
Join Fall 2023 Projects
Come get your hands dirty and connect to the grounds
Patio Extension
- remove existing palntings
- move commemorative pavers
- cap off irrigation
Celebration Garde
- move commemorative pavers and Sacred Stones
- assist stamping and dying concrete walkway
- planting
- irrigation
Desert Canyon Garden
- remove existing irrigation
- oversee grading and boulder placement
- planting
- irrigation
I’m inspired, I can help with Sacred Grounds Fall 2023 Projects.
Grounds Maintenance for Habitat and Appearance
Apply your love of the land and native conservation knowledge, or come learn about our native plants
Oversee gardener, ensuring maintenance preserves habitat
- Give direction to balance appearance and habitat
- e.g. avoid poisons, save wildflowers, remove invasive weeds, leave palm skirts for yellow bats, trim Palo Verdes, etc.
Weekly Garden Club
- Weeding, watering and trimming
- Replace dead plantings with beds of encelia, dyebush, creosote, etc.
- Repair irrigation emitters, or communicate needs to gardener
- Maybe just transplant volunteer seedlings
Patio perimeter rock garden
- Add irrigation
- Plant verbena or some other desert native
- Collect verbena seeds and sprinkle liberally into the rock garden, or purchase verbena starts and plant them into the rock garden
- Floral and butterfly plantings
- Propose native plantings along parking and sidewalks for year-round bloom to benefit the pollinators and butterflies
I’m inspired, I can help with Sacred Grounds tending the land.
Education, Fundraising and Outreach
Education – see if we can provide a resource for learning ecology for local school children
- Create signage for a nature walk
- Co-lead guided nature walks
Green Sanctuary– help carry on our Green Sanctuary Committments
- Run the battery collection and proper disposal program
- Create monthly Green newsletter articles
- Etc.
Fundraising – as a completely self-funded project, you can apply your fundraising or grant writing skills
- Fundraising within the congregation
- Fundraising with outside parties
- Find and pursue Grant opportunities
Outreach – apply or establish connections with local environmentally interested groups
- UCR, Desert Horticultural Society, California Native Plant Society, …?
- Coachella Valley Water District, Coachella Valley Association of Govts, …?
- Local press, blogs and social media?
- School districts ?
I’m inspired, I can help with Sacred Grounds Education, Fundraising or Outreach.