72425 Via Vail
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270

Social and Interest Groups

Our social and special interest group build community through fun events!  Check out these formal and informal gatherings.

Afternoon Book Club

Everyone is welcome.  We meet monthly to discuss the current books we’ve selected.   You can find the book offering on the events calendar.

We meet in the homes of members and the logistics of our meetings change frequently. Please contact Lavonne Swanson for the time and location of the meeting.

Chalice Circles

Chalice Circles foster spiritual growth by building spiritual partnerships in a small group setting. They are a  safe space to discuss spiritual topics while strengthening relationships.

Visit the Chalice Circle page for more information.



We are very fortunate to have the amazing Dr. Vanessa Ament as our choir Director.

We have fun, improve out craft, and build community. All are welcome…from beginning to advanced singing levels.  Join us for choir practice on Wednesday evenings

 We hope to see you there!

Men's Breakfast

The Men of UUCOD get together once a month for a breakfast, offering a great chance for new members to join and get to know everyone.

Look on the events calendar for the date, time and location.

Monday Meditation

Join us each Monday in the Sanctuary for a group meditation and inspirational reading.

Drop-ins are welcome.  Look at the events calendar for the time.

Sacred Grounds

Sacred Grounds is a Board approved Initiative reflecting our deep connection to the interdependent web of all existence. The self-funded Initiative seeks to support the native plants and animals on our grounds, nurture the human spirit and strengthen our connection to the land.

Go to the Sacred Grounds page.


Interested in joining other UUCOD members in a friendly game or two of scrabble?

ALL ARE WELCOME-FROM NOVICE TO EXPERT!  Check out the calendar for the date and time.

Please contact Carol Lavoie for more information.

Social BUUterflies

Social BUUterflies is a sub committee of the Stewardship Committee.

Social BUUterflies builds community through fun events! The group identifies, plans and publicizes social events such as attending community concerts.

Look for upcoming events on the calendar.

Script 2Stage 2Screen

Script2Stage2Screen (S2S2S) was formed in 2010 with the basic idea of introducing original plays. Over time, it has evolved into the diverse UUCOD performing arts organization with the mission of highlighting social justice, families, gender equality, human dignity, and the joy and humor of life. Every season we perform a wonderful mix of comedy and drama that is sure to engage you and hold you spellbound. We are proud to present the work of a fine selection of playwrights from across the country.

Our actors are members of the community from a wide variety of backgrounds. Some are experienced actors. For others it is their first time on stage. All have a love for the theatre and a willingness to give their time and talent to create an experience you will enjoy and remember.

The writers whose work you will see all submit their plays in the spring of each year for consideration by S2S2S’s New Works Committee. The Committee selects scripts based on the quality of the writing and how well the stories support the community we serve and the Unitarian Universalist principles upon which we were founded.

Visit our website and check out our performance dates on the Events Calendar.


Tai Chi

The Monday Meditation Group added Tai Chi practice in the Community Room before the sit. You can join in one or both of the activities. 

Thursday Night Bridge Club

Join us every Thursday at the church for a game of Bridge. Set up is at 6:45 pm and Bridge begins at 7:00 pm.

All are welcome and if you would like to learn bridge we are a fun and patient group.

Contact the organizer listed on the events calendar for more information.

Women's Night Out

The Women of UUCOD meet at a local restaurants each month for dinner.  This is  a great chance for new members to join and get to know everyone.

Look at the events calendar for the date, time and location.