We are committed to compassion. We are….
…a sanctuary for diversity, spiritual growth, and social justice
…nuestra misión es ser un santuario de diversidad, crecimiento espiritual y justicia social
Worship Services
Sunday Worship: “Awakening Joy”
Sunday Worship: “Reviving Climate Possibility: Nurturing Interdependence”
News in Brief
Growing Connections to Our CommUnity
This following post is the beginning in a series of mothly posts outlining what stewardship means to us at UUCOD. Each month we will explore a different aspect of being in CommUnity.
Growing Connections to Our CommUnity
This following post is the beginning in a series of mothly posts outlining what stewardship means to us at UUCOD. Each month we will explore a different aspect of being in CommUnity.
Growing Connections To Our CommUnity: Participating in CommUnity
For our church community, September is like early Spring in the desert. Even though our fiscal year officially begins in July, July and August are quiet months. September is when full-year Members and Friends begin to emerge from our air-conditioned homes and return from vacations away as the heat subsides. We begin to anticipate and plan for the surge in activity that begins in October. And our seasonal Members and Friends contemplate closing their summer homes and preparing for their season in the desert.
In September, our Board of Directors meets to determine our goals for the church year. Our various committees reconvene and make plans for the coming year in anticipation of our Church Council in October. Our church calendar will be bursting with activities, and we will celebrate the coming together of both full-time and returning seasonal Members and Friends with our In-Gathering luncheon on Sunday, October 13 following our service.
Is September a good time for each of us individually to determine our plans for the coming church year and identify how we can participate in and support our church community?
Our community is stronger than the sum of its individual parts and our contributions that support our community. Each of us, at some level, contributes to the well-being of our community and we rely upon our Members and Friends to be generous with their time, their talents, and their treasures.
What can you offer to support our community in the coming year?
What’s Happening This Week
Volunteer Opportunities
Celebration of Life for Rev. Kenneth Torquil MacLean on Saturday, September 21
Please contact Rev. Ian with any questions or if you’d be interested in helping out
Climate Justice Revival Weekend – September 28
Rev. Ian is looking for a few volunteers to help with the Saturday event. The UUA team has provided us materials and curricula for the workshops and there is some training provided as well for facilitators. If you’d be interested in facilitating with Rev. Ian, send him an e-mail and he’ll reach out in the first week of September.